ACEND Accreditation Status Definitions
Candidacy for Accreditation — program not previously accredited by ACEND that has had one site visit and is being implemented according to the ACEND Accreditation Standards. Graduates of a program designated as having candidate status have the same rights and privileges as graduates of an accredited program.
Accredited — program that has had at least one site visit and is in compliance with the Accreditation Standards
Probationary Accreditation — program fails to comply with the Accreditation Standards or published policies and has been given a time period for coming into compliance.
Accreditation Withdrawn — program fails to comply with the Accreditation Standards or published policies within a specified time period.
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ACEND has more than 600 accredited programs across the United States and select countries internationally, with in-person and online options. Use the search filters to find the program that fits your needs.