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Call for Learning Lounge Proposals

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Call for Proposals Is Open March 3 – March 31.

Submit Proposal

The FNCE® Learning Lounge is a space where participants can discover, share and learn about the innovations and challenges transforming the food and nutrition profession through smaller, short-format talks. This area offers opportunities for the FNCE® community to collaborate and engage in a dynamic environment with peers and thought leaders.

Learning Lounge Guide

The Learning Lounge is designed to provide a quick look at trending health topics through quick 15-minute (~12-minute presentation with 3 minutes of Q&A) microlearning sessions. The shorter format of the Learning Lounge provides participants with the opportunity to explore a wide variety of topics and hear about success stories involving new approaches to patient support, practical applications of the latest research, special interest areas, and more. These sessions take place on a small stage with open seating. Topics should be evidence-based, food and nutrition topics.

We aim for...

…big ideas. What are the topics that affect dietitians across specialties or settings? Examples of past topics include what to eat for better sleep, ethical approaches to sponsorship and entrepreneurship.

…emerging trends. What should be on a dietitian’s radar? How should a dietitian approach patient questions in a trending area? Examples include using AI in the classroom, the sober-curious lifestyle and fermented foods.

…how-to instructions. What are simple steps a listener can take? Previous examples include community gardening, zero-waste cooking or starting a side hustle.

We try to avoid…

…complex topics that are heavy on science and research. These are difficult to absorb in 15 minutes.

…content requiring visual aids. If you cannot explain your topic without charts, graphs, or other visual data, it probably does not suit the Learning Lounge.

…promotion. The Learning Lounge is not a forum for products or services.

  • Dietitians vs TikTok: Practical Nutrition Tips for Parents of Gen Z
  • My Plate is My Garden – Starting and Maintaining a Community Garden
  • Rethinking the Renal Diet: Undoing the One-Size-Fits-All Approach
  • Does Diet Matter in Adult Acne?
  • Brewing Up Health with Fermented Foods
  • HIIT or Miss? The Effects of Sustained High Energy Training on Cortisol

No matter your job title or practice area, we welcome your unique perspective and expertise! Share your success stories, innovative approaches, and practical applications. We are eager for individuals who are passionate about their subject area to submit a proposal on innovative approaches to work, results of research, or a general or special topic of interest. Proposals should highlight one specific topic related to the dietetics and nutrition and be evidence-based. Speakers should be lively, engaging, and comfortable speaking without notes and visual aids.

Trending topics to consider:

  • Emerging Science and Food Trends: We seek fact-based discussions that separate evidence from misinformation on topics like digital health tools, alternative proteins, seed oils, frozen foods, and microplastics. Sessions should address myths and present the latest research.
  • Food Service (i.e. global flavors and cultural cuisines, health-conscious dining, sustainable practices, social media influenced trends, food transparency)
  • Student Support (i.e. strategies for teaching medical students, building and leveraging your network, precepting and having difficult conversations, mentoring)
  • Healthy aging (i.e. longevity diets, cellular aging, cognitive health, aging athletes)

The Learning Lounge is not a forum for products or services. Any submission that falls within promotion of a product or service will be removed from consideration.

View a grading rubric for proposals

None! Speakers will use a wireless microphone, but no visual aids are included – no slides. Speakers can submit one handout to be uploaded into the FNCE® app.

These talks are designed to inspire curiosity, provide simple steps to take action and to gain an understanding of new and innovative ideas. Adult learners are good at focusing on one subject at a time in relatively short chunks. But remember—shorter doesn’t mean lesser! We are looking for presenters who are engaging and creative.

Based on attendee feedback from FNCE® 2024, starting in 2025, Learning Lounge presentations will contribute to the overall CPE total for FNCE® attendees. Learning Lounge sessions are required to follow CDR guidelines to qualify for CPE.

Speakers receive a 50% discount on the early registration rate.

The application for Learning Lounge sessions is open from March 3 - March 31. Accepted sessions will be notified by June 1.

Be prepared to submit some demographic and contact information, such as Academy member number, title and organization, and email address; an overall topic with suggested title, description, and outline; and references. Submitters are required and limited to submitting one learning outcome.

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