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The Breastfeeding Registry Study is a multi-site study that examines the documentation of RDNs who are providing breastfeeding or lactation support to their clients. The project will investigate the nutrition terminology currently being used in this area of care and the quality of the documentation, as well as the impact of nutrition care on problem resolution and nutrition-related outcomes in this population. The Academy Data Science Center (DSC) is collaborating with the University of North Florida (UNF) to lead this project. This project is also being conducted with the help of the Academy Foundation and funding from the Pediatric Nutrition Practice Group (PNPG) and Women's Health Dietetic Practice Group (WH).
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Recruitment for this study has concluded. Data collection for the first cohort of participating RDNs is complete. A second cohort of RDNs is currently completing data collection.
This project is one of the first to investigate nutrition care provided to infants receiving human milk and individuals providing human milk to infants. The results of this project will help us better understand the care dietitians provide to this population and the documentation of nutrition care in breastfeeding and lactation support, including the terminology being used to document this type of care. It will also examine the impact of the nutrition care provided by dietitians on resolution of nutrition problems resolution rate and on health outcomes, including breastfeeding duration and infant weight. Participants include:
This project is ongoing. Stay tuned for updates.
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